1. Belangrike inligting:
2. Definisies:
Scapes is a term that covers the depiction of scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, forests, sea, cities etc. where the main subject is a wide view with its elements arranged into a coherent composition. Scapes may be natural or man-made. Manipulation is NOT allowed.
Wildlife Images are Nature images and are further defined as one or more extant zoological or botanical organisms living free and unrestrained in a natural or adopted habitat. Wildlife is not limited to animals, birds and insects. Marine subjects and botanical subjects (including fungi and algae) taken in the wild are suitable wildlife subjects. Human elements, if present should not detract from or overpower the subject. No Macro images may be entered in this category. Manipulation is NOT allowed.
PJ & Sport Entries in this category should have informative content and emotional impact. In the interest of credibility, images that misrepresent the truth and model or staged set-ups are not permitted.
Photojournalism entries are images with informative content reflecting the human presence in our world and emotional impact which usually include human interest, documentary, news or sport. The journalistic value of the image shall receive priority over the pictorial quality. In the interest of credibility, PJ images that misrepresent the truth and model or staged set-ups are not permitted.
Sports photography covers any aspect of a sporting event. Images must depict an active pastime or recreation involving physical exertion and/or skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often of a competitive nature. The level of sport can range from children playing a sport to the Olympic Games. Images in this section could include the spectators or judge or umpire in a sporting event. Manipulation is NOT allowed.
Altered Reality: Is an image created by altering reality in an obvious manner, created digitally or in camera. The intention is the creation of an image that conveys a feeling or message, or tells a story.
Visual Art Images: goes beyond the straightforward pictorial rendering of a scene. The image does not have to employ derivative or manipulative techniques to be Creative or Visual Art.
Contemporary photography may be defined as the concept that stimulates the mind of the viewer to interpret the message conveyed through the creative use of line, form and colour. This definition specifically includes darkroom or computer generated / manipulated images.
Macro photography is extreme close-up photography, where you get close to a small subject by physical or optical means. The size of the subject in the finished photograph is usually greater than life size and reveals detail which cannot easily be seen with the naked eye. Manipulation is NOT allowed.
Portraits (Humans only) A likeness, personality and mood of a living human where the subject is dominant in the image. Portraiture is not restricted to head and shoulders and may include just a part of the face, a back view or even a full length study. Manipulation IS allowed.
STILL LIFE – A still life features an arrangement of inanimate objects as its subject. The subjects may be man-made or natural and may be set up or found, indoors or out.
TABLE TOP – An arrangement of inanimate objects on a table top.
Manipulation IS allowed.
Argitektuur fotografie bestaan daaruit om die onderwerp en wat dit verteenwoordig in ’n gebou so akkuraat en esteties moontlik vir die oog van die kyker vas te vang. Argitektuur fotografie kan mense insluit, omdat dit as aanduiding van spasie en skaal kan dien. Lig speel ’n baie groot rol in argitektuur fotografie. Geen manipulasie word toegelaat nie.
Photo Travel & Street Photography: The primary subject is people and/or symbols of people, at rest or in motion, alone or with others, going about their everyday activities. Close up pictures of people or objects should include features that provide information about the environment.
Street Photography records unposed scenes in public places. The primary subject is people and/or symbols of people, at rest or in motion, alone or with others, going about their everyday activities.
Photo Travel image expresses the characteristic features or culture of a land as they are found naturally. There are no geographic limitations. Manipulation is NOT allowed.
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